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Tuesday, December 05, 2006

This city is racist.

Belleville is ridiculously racist as followed:
I was waiting for the bus to come home from school as per usual, it's dark, cold and there are a million people crapmed into the shelters. The bus comes, 6 minutes late, we board. I sit down close to the front where all the tards sit. People are flowing through the aisle, a cute little Japanese girl and an East Indian guy get on one after another then I hear this, their voices in disgust.

Women # 1 (wearing a red hoodie, hood up, with a green windbreaker, orange-ish brown hair popping out or her hood, carrying an LCBO bag and a fucking cooler!!!): "You'd think that this was Toronto."

Woman #2 ( Old frump, with no teeth, lips sunk in, wearing a black bucket hat, round glasses and blue ski jacket): "I know eh?"

Woman # 1 : "They're everywhere!!"

Ummmm, where are you bitches from, 1910? Jesus.


Traci said...

Fuck Belleville...

Krista said...

EW FUCK YOU ASSHOLE ONATARIANS!!! Not just Bellville you know but everywhere!!!

Anonymous said...

i lived in the belleville area for a while and was disgusted all the time
by ignorant banjo picking hicks..
keep you chin up school's almost over :)

Anonymous said...

Ophelia Mourne said...

people can be very petty.
These two girls were sitting across from me in the front of the bus, so we were facing eachother. They were maybe 19. Both dressed all designer clothes hipster fucktard style. And this man walks on the bus with a couple garbage bags full of cans, you could tell he was going to recycle them.
Obviously they dont ride the bus much and they were giggling and staring at him.
All I could do was give them dirty looks because my husband thinks I need to mind my own business. I embarrass him HAHA

Anyway, it made me want to tell them they are spoiled brats and dont knock someone trying to make honest money. While they sit there holding their babyphat backpacks that mommy and daddy bought them. Bitches.

Sorry for that. I only wanted to comment on your link list. I LOVE the eyes. So cool.

Scott Clouthier said...

Hey I was actually planning on linking you, but your link on Brant's page didn't work.

Problem fixed now, though.

Take care.

p.s. Thanks for the cool link/photo thingie!

Scott Clouthier said...

p.p.s. I've also noticed Belleville to be overtly racist.

And sexist.

About two tears ago, a former Quinte resident was interviewed on CJBQ radio about his same sex marriage experience.

Callers to the show called him a freak and a pervert.

Gotta love 'em.

The Intell's Chris Mallette called them all rubes in his column the next day. Thanks for Chris.