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Friday, February 24, 2006

I'm coming home.

I'm coming home!
On Sunday , reading week officially begins. Although today is my official beginning to a week of days off I'm still in Belleville and holidays don't feel like holidays untill I'm in Kingston.
Holidays are holidays to most but mine will be jam packed with lots of work, work that I need to get done or should've been done already. But not the entire break with be taken over by work. Fun is bound to be had as most of my friends will be down this week for holidays too or they are permanently fixed there.
Metric and Stars are both playing this upcoming week. I really want to see Stars but I've had my heart fixed on going to Metric. Although they are on different days I must choose one in my current financial state. Which sucks. We're getting a roomate in a month which will be great.
Traci is moving in! She's in my Photojournalism with moi and we were going to move in with her at the beginning of the year but apparently we can't have 3 peoples name on a lease. But we've decided that that doesn't mean that she can't live with us anyway. Our rent is $695.00 a month fo a 2 bedroom and we use the second bedroom as a computer room and there is enough room for us to just put in in our bedroom or in the living room. So now instead of Brant and I splitting the rent and having to shell out $350.00 we'll all only have to pay $231.00. I totally dig that! I'm not opposed to it whatsoever! so yay!

This week I am also doing a shoot at some point with the lovely Krista. I'm very excited.
We still haven't finalized everything but I know it's going to be great.
And boooooo for my documentary. I have to do that as well and I have no idea what I am doing. The suspension thing hasn't quite panned out and i pnly have 2 weeks to complete it. It's a 12 page book spread. Ahhhh! I'm doomed.

Bring on READING WEEK. I never really go why they call it reading week, no one reads. ever.

Monday, February 20, 2006

I got my internship BITCHES!

I am pretty excited right now. As the title states I got my Internship. It's kind of nice feeling ahead of the game for once. It's good to be on Frank's good list. I'm pretty sure he wants to kills us all. We are horrible and I think that a maximum of 5 people in my section have their Intern spots, maybe not even that many. But yay for me!
I love the idea of working for a free community paper that is a weekly. Some journalist frown upon weeklys like daily are the only way to go. fuck them. Weekly's are just as important.
If anything I am going to become a better journalist for it. And the editors there are SUPER nice and I'm really excited to work with them.
Yay! for Internships and Yay! for me......

Thursday, February 16, 2006

All About Cats.

So this is my first blogger ode to my cats. They are pretty wonderful cats when they don't pee on random plastic bags, loose peices of kleenex or on our bed pillows after I gave them their worm pills. We inherited Ansel from our neighbours when they saved her and her siblings from being drown in a river but some retard who didn't want them. We named her Ansel after Ansel Adams, a photographer that I like and we also thought that she was a boy. I like to call her Ansella now. It's more girly.
This is Tweeter, I got her almost 2 years ago from my good friend Laura. I went over there under strict instruction to not bring a cat back, but I did anyway. I'm glad that I have her now. I planned on taking her away with me to college lastyear but our crazy landlady hated cats. I hated her. She wasn't even there for 7 out of the 8 months that Kar and I lived there. She was off gallovanting with some man in SanFrancisco while our house was infested with mice and bugs and while our shower suddenly broke. Having a cat would've benifited us. Tweets would've kept us company and gotten rid of the annoying mice.
And thats my cue to get off of the bitter bus and say Fuck Lastyear. Luckily we are allowed to have cats here at our new apartment and everythings cool and relitlvly quiet.

I've had cats growing up all of my life. I love cats and my mom loves cats. We have enough cats to house a cat baseball team or some sport with alot of players. Neither my mom or I can stand to see a cat homeless or at a shelter. All of our cats have come from the shelters (Except Tweets and Ansella) having my mom work at Petcetera is difficult because they have an adoptions room where animals from the shelter are always sadly on display, actually that's how we ended up with Shem and Panda. Along with loving cats, my mom and I head to a local cat show annually. Neither of us drive so it's hard to go to all of the others which are far away, and dragging my dad into the mix would make for a grumpy man, so we stick to one cat show a year untill there are more in a closer area for us.
Sooooo anyway, last weekend was the CCA Valentines Day Cat Show.
Mom entered Sherman and Panda. They are beautiful cats. They were both entered in to the "Household Pets" section even though Sherman is a Turkish Angora and Panda is a Norwegian Forest Cat. The weekend was an overall sucess. Neither of them won any 1st, 2nd or 3rd's which is all right. We don't really go there to win. We go there for fun really. It always helps that they like it. Sherman is so relaxed and at peace there it's bizarre, he was literally mad at my mom on Monday and sat near his carrier that was near the door meowing. It's kind of ridiculous. haha.
Almost as ridiculous as us winning for
Best Valentines themed cage. My mom won a Royal Canin Cat Encyclopedia that is a limited addition, which she was pretty excited about. She also won a cat scarf and sterling silver cat earrings.

Lastly, here are 2 photos of ze kids with a judge:

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

A weekend update, almost 4 days overdue.

Of course FEB FEST was this past weekend in Kingston and I made the long trek from my college life in Belleville back home, a long 45mins that is. Which of course isn't that long but I had an itch to shoot. I was excited because the "Rail Jam" was being held the night the night we got in at pretty much the same time we arrived.
Exciting and Fun? Hells no.
The Rail Jam advertised as having a huge jump and a rail where skiiers and snowboarders do tricks and crazy stunts. HA!
If huge jump and rails mean that there is scaffling and plywood covered in zamboni leftovers with a rail at the bottom with slush to break your fall then yes, exactly what the event entailed.
It was such a dissapointment from what I had been expecting. Could I have been expecting to much of this so called Rail Jam? no. I don't think that I was.
I thought that it would be crazy fun, imstead all of the skiiers did exactly as eachother and the snowboarder as the ones before them. The highlight of the nigh was seeing one of the boarders nose dive off of the side of the ramp. The only reason why I laugh at the fact is that I was lead to believe that this was put on by professionals, it wasn't. Cocky 14year old boys who think that they can jump and girls to afraid to go down the hilly ramp thing entered. I'm sure the winners prize of some odd hundred dollars sounded sweet but humiliation must've been great I'm sure.

After the Rail Jam I saw the worst movie ever. Annaopolis.
I agreed to go with my cousin because I mistook it for Elizabethtown. I wanted to see me some Orlando Bloom. Damn.
I have no idea where the hell this movie came from. It was random and was some movie about the Navy and Boxing. Alas, it was horrible and the only reason why my cousin wanted to see it was 'cause she wanted to see the leading guy, whose name I don't know. This is why we have the internet. I could've saved myself $9.00.

The rest of FEBFEST was rather dissapointing as well to say the least buuuuuuuut, guess who was actually there. Yeah, thats right. 90210's Jason Priestly. *melt*
I actually couldn't believe it. Jason mother fucking Priestly. Although not bad ass enough to be using "mother fucking" what are the chances he'd be at a winter festival playing hockey?
Hmmmm. Well good I guess.

The festivals concert featuring some chick singer from Rock Star INXS (who I really didn't give 2 shits about) and Betablokka, who I really wanted to see was basically rained out. It poured like a mother fucka! and me being a complete retard forgot my ID here in Belleville for the OKGO and controller.controller show at the Grad Club resorted to going to the all ages show instead of the 19+ show. A side to all of the underagers and immature bitches it was a FANTASTIC show. I love that band. They are wonderful. They put on a great show finalised with the Million Ways To Be Cruel dance! They danced. *sigh* I'd do 'em after that. haha.
The lighting was really bizzarre and I think I got shots unlike anyone else there who were using their flashes which would result in mediocre shots to admire by all of your friends. Mine are wicked awesome. Applause to whom ever came up with this. Genius.

So I guess it turned out to be an OK weekend, thanks to OKGO and seeing my mom and dad, which sounds so lame but I love seeing them. They are the most random and hilairious parents ever, they're great. lol.

Soooooo, I think that this is enough of a rant. Enjoy the photos I guess.

This weekend I am back off to K-Town for the Limestone Cat Club Show. A cat show.
My mom is showing 2 of our cats, who which by the way looooooove it. I'm sure Sherman won't get out of his carrier for hours after he comes home again. So expect some show shots and we'll see what else.

Nothing will top last year festival.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Welcome! If you are reading this, you've found me.

This is your cue to get excited about hearing about me and seeing my photos!

I'm really excited about having a new blog that I can costumize to my liking. Although having a blog on LiveJournal was fun it just wasn't doing it for me. I guess I could've costumized, or joined some groups who liked the same things as I, but didn't.

I just felt like what I wrote there went unnoticed and passed right by for something more interesting. C'mon, no one is more interesting then me!....or so I'd like to think.

Onward with the new Blog and somewhere that will be
Okay enough about it, on with something intersting.

I'm rather excited about this weekend, why you ask?

...okay not so exciting, maybe. But I heard Jason Preistley is suppose to be there, I have a feeling that that is a dirty rotten lie just to get girls like Karen and I there to see our pre-teen crush. *sigh*
Brant and i will be coming to Kingston on Friday night, hopefully with enough time to catch the Snowboarding Demo at market square before i head off to the movies with Amber and Amanda.
I'm stoked for Saturday; OK GO and controller.controller at The Grad Club! holla that. It's going to be an amazing show! Before that I will be heading down to Market Sqaure to re-kindle my memories of highschool and underage drunken bus trips to Toronto. Betablokka is playing around 7pm. I've only seen them once since Shayne left the band. The only way it would be like old days is if Tanya and a potatoe were there.
I'll have some photos of weekend shenanigans and FebFest up on Monday, maybe my photojournalistic skills will get put to use and I get something worthwhile, we'll see.

Stay Tuned.