Happy Birthday Bitches.
My friends are AMAZING.

Brenna, Jay, Krista, Brant and Myself went to see The Santa Claus 3. It's tradition that each year for my birthday we all go and see a christmas movie, and Tha Santa Claus was the only thing out. But don't get me wrong, I loved it. It was wonderful. What would've made it even better is if we had've been drunk. That would've been wicked. Shortly after the ended, Jed came and picked us up and we got dropped off at Jays and that's where everything cut loose.
We got sooooooo drunk, it was ridiculous. For example, look at the picture shown left. We thought it would be wonderful to spell things with Alphabets, and this is what we condered up.
Note how we spelled "Labia" wrong.

Probably one of the best things was getting to see Jay's new roomate for the first time. His name is Simon, Jay described him as looking like this, "He has a Steve-O face and a Vin Diesel Body." and.....uh he couldn't have been more right. He is ridiculous. We called him "Stiesil" for the rest of the night. He left and we drunkingly ramsacked his room.

But out all of the REALLY funny things that happened this was probably one of my favourite birthdays, it was awesome. It would've been that much better had everyone been able to come out. Here are some photos courtesy of Krista's camera.

There will be more photos to come when I seal more from Jay and Brant. <3>

That was such a great night. I am in love with Martin Short now, those icicles in the eyebrows make me so hot I can't think straight. And the drinking and Stiesil will never be forgotten.
Apparently I was really wonky in Burger King, that's what Beardo's saying anyway, haah
KISSING GIRLS IS THE BEST! Especially when it's you
luv ya! <333
i like that llama thing
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