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Sunday, July 02, 2006

Okay so I lied.

Happy Belated Canada Day and All That Jazz.

Here are some shots that I took on Canada Day of the fireworks and City Hall, I'm pretty proud of them, no tripod used on an 8 second exposure! Holla.

Crazy shots of Brant and I.

Phil got a Girlfriend.

More shots to come later including Toronto trip on Friday to see Dallas, Nik and Joe and other random newspaper shots, I just thought that I should update cause I haven't in like 10 years, cause I suck. <3 eric


Anonymous said...

Those are some mighty fine pictures.

Nice no tripod 8 sec exposures. I'm impressed.

Anonymous said...

When Kevin and I were watching the fireworks they seemed kind of lame, so when I looked at your photos I was like WHAT FIREWORKS ARE THOSE? hahaaa. I was saying to Kevin that one day Kingston won't be able to afford fireworks and they'll just have to flashbang the crowd.
