You used to be one of the rotten ones an I liked you for that.

The first week was pretty slow, only doing news briefs, community events and taking some photos while going out with Rob, KTW's photographer/photo editor, which was probably one of the best things that I could've done. It taught me alot and I got to see how he did everything. I got a few photos published in that paper but this week was the biggie, I got 3 stories, one which is on the first page published! and 7 photos in.
I think that that is a pretty big accomplishment for being an Intern and I'm glad that the staff there are confident enough in me that they will assign me alot of things and know that I will get them done by deadline no matter how hard I have to work.
Working at the paper actually makes me want to work for a newspaper, who would've thought 2 years in a photojourmalism course didn't give me the desire to do this but working at the newspaper really makes me want to do it.

To say the least when next week is over it'll be sad but I think I wanna still write for them while I am working next year in Belleville, it'll give me my in to the community and it'll still feel like I am actually doing something that still feels like spending $20,000 on has been worth it.
Something I've found interesting while working at the KTW is the stats for newspapers around Ontario, The Kingston This Week is one of the smallest papers and get a lot of shit from bigger papers like *cough* TheWhig *cough*, although a great paper the KTW is above them in stats. More people read the KTW then bigger papers around the province.
I dunno, i just found the interesting. go ktw!
Here are some of my favourite things that I've shot ---
[This is the Queen's Solar Car, Kids were having a tour of it.]
[Kingston's Track & Feild Championships]
[QECVI Baseball game]
[Highschool students planting trees in honour of Kingston's title of Canadas First capital]

So Intern's going well and I graduate on June 8th. Yay, real life. boo. But still exciting.
In other news: Traci got Dallas Green tickets for us cause she's the sex. So we're off to Toronto in June to cum in our pants.
In other news: Traci got Dallas Green tickets for us cause she's the sex. So we're off to Toronto in June to cum in our pants.

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