You can't get shot in the back....if you don't run.
Matthew Good in Montreal was OUTSTANDING! This being my third time seeing Matt in concert, you can't really compare a acoustic show to a full blown rock concert. Although I will say that I loved it. Maybe even more so then the full band show with all of the bells and whistles, but just slightly. Seeing your favourite musician is exciting of course but driving four hours with your friends to see them makes it really that much more special.
And the story begins---
Everyone who knows me knows how much I love shows and love Matthew Good's music knows how upset I was when the Kingston show was "postponed" on the second of this month and how I was even more so upset when it was officially cancelled on Friday.
Upon talking to Krista in Friday and declaring our disappointment to one another I left the conversation weeping and listening to the "Rooms" CD, bonus to MG's "In a Coma" disc, then returning to my computer some time later to a message from Krista saying that her, rob and her boyfriend Emory were heading to Montreal to see MG. And seriously how could I not go, really. After talking to Brant we swindled a ride from our friend Brent who was up for the trip, I bought his ticket and paid for some gas as payment to drive my ass up there.
[then comes monday.]
I was oozing with excitement and couldn't wait to go, we left Kingston around 3ish and an hour later text'd Krista to see where they were/if they were in Montreal yet, seeing that they were leaving long before us.
"The car brokedown"
shit. Luckily we were 10mins away from where they had brokedown and we happened to pull of of the same exit and saw them in a drive way of a big white house.
We saved the day really, well for Krista and Rob. Emory sadly had to escort the car back to Athens on a giant flatbed tow truck.
[three hours later]
We arrive in Montreal. A busy city with screaming truck drivers, transports full of nasty-ass chickens, twisty roads and Rabbis.
[we find the place, stand in line, wait till the show begins. Blah, blah, blah.]
Melissa McClelland. What could possibly be said about her to really explain how good she was, seriously. She was amazing live and blew me away.
And CLEARLY Matt was amazing!
A Solo Acoustic show really shed a different kind of light on all of my favourite songs.
Everyone who knows me knows how much I love shows and love Matthew Good's music knows how upset I was when the Kingston show was "postponed" on the second of this month and how I was even more so upset when it was officially cancelled on Friday.
Upon talking to Krista in Friday and declaring our disappointment to one another I left the conversation weeping and listening to the "Rooms" CD, bonus to MG's "In a Coma" disc, then returning to my computer some time later to a message from Krista saying that her, rob and her boyfriend Emory were heading to Montreal to see MG. And seriously how could I not go, really. After talking to Brant we swindled a ride from our friend Brent who was up for the trip, I bought his ticket and paid for some gas as payment to drive my ass up there.
[then comes monday.]
I was oozing with excitement and couldn't wait to go, we left Kingston around 3ish and an hour later text'd Krista to see where they were/if they were in Montreal yet, seeing that they were leaving long before us.
"The car brokedown"
shit. Luckily we were 10mins away from where they had brokedown and we happened to pull of of the same exit and saw them in a drive way of a big white house.
We saved the day really, well for Krista and Rob. Emory sadly had to escort the car back to Athens on a giant flatbed tow truck.
[three hours later]
We arrive in Montreal. A busy city with screaming truck drivers, transports full of nasty-ass chickens, twisty roads and Rabbis.
[we find the place, stand in line, wait till the show begins. Blah, blah, blah.]
Melissa McClelland. What could possibly be said about her to really explain how good she was, seriously. She was amazing live and blew me away.
And CLEARLY Matt was amazing!
A Solo Acoustic show really shed a different kind of light on all of my favourite songs.
My favourite played being, Fated, Tripoli, Prime Time Deliverance and It's Been Awhile Since I Was Your man. Here's the whole set list. Amazing. [MG photo's are by Krista, cause we weren't allowed to take "professional" cameras into the venue. It was kind of nice to see a show that wasn't through a lense.]

The end of the night was pretty awesome, meeting Matt and Raymi were two highlights of the night for sure.
God, i loved that night, i loved the show, i loved meeting new people, and of course loving being with my friends and lover.
....And here's a picture that Brant took of me while we were waiting to meet Matt. i love it.
God, i loved that night, i loved the show, i loved meeting new people, and of course loving being with my friends and lover.
....And here's a picture that Brant took of me while we were waiting to meet Matt. i love it.

We are so cute, I don't think anyone can understand how cute we are. What a trip, your account of it was much more accurate and wordful than mine. You saved me and Robert's lives/day. GOODTIMES that I'll never forget, and always remember. :)
do you remember what the first thing i said to you was? I RECOGNIZE ALL THAT SHIT IN YOUR FACE. I LIKE IT. nice.
Krista - We are totally rad and daved your life! great trip. T.O next time, for either a show or a blogger party. I wanted to go to the last one, hopefully the next one isn't too far off.
Raymi - Haha. Yeah totally!!
I get that alot. Maybe it's just my way for people to remember me. Haha.
Great meeting you, hopefully it won't be too far off from the next time.
You apparently own the grossssssest photos of me in existance. Take them off and pee on your computer. sick.
Im glad you had fun at the Matt Good concert, and found a decent replacement for me.
Did you see his hot wife?
I really miss you guys, we (joe and I) went up to Hamilton yesterday with Natalie, Lisa, Kevin and Matt Green. we had a picnic and then went to some pub and drank all night.
It was off-the-chain.
Aiight, I'll be talking with you soon kid.
Take Care.
Good day !.
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