All About Cats.
So this is my first blogger ode to my cats. They are pretty wonderful cats when they don't pee on random plastic bags, loose peices of kleenex or on our bed pillows after I gave them their worm pills. We inherited Ansel from our neighbours when they saved her and her siblings from being drown in a river but some retard who didn't want them. We named her Ansel after Ansel Adams, a photographer that I like and we also thought that she was a boy. I like to call her Ansella now. It's more girly.
This is Tweeter, I got her almost 2 years ago from my good friend Laura. I went over there under strict instruction to not bring a cat back, but I did anyway. I'm glad that I have her now. I planned on taking her away with me to college lastyear but our crazy landlady hated cats. I hated her. She wasn't even there for 7 out of the 8 months that Kar and I lived there. She was off gallovanting with some man in SanFrancisco while our house was infested with mice and bugs and while our shower suddenly broke. Having a cat would've benifited us. Tweets would've kept us company and gotten rid of the annoying mice.
And thats my cue to get off of the bitter bus and say Fuck Lastyear. Luckily we are allowed to have cats here at our new apartment and everythings cool and relitlvly quiet.
I've had cats growing up all of my life. I love cats and my mom loves cats. We have enough cats to house a cat baseball team or some sport with alot of players. Neither my mom or I can stand to see a cat homeless or at a shelter. All of our cats have come from the shelters (Except Tweets and Ansella) having my mom work at Petcetera is difficult because they have an adoptions room where animals from the shelter are always sadly on display, actually that's how we ended up with Shem and Panda. Along with loving cats, my mom and I head to a local cat show annually. Neither of us drive so it's hard to go to all of the others which are far away, and dragging my dad into the mix would make for a grumpy man, so we stick to one cat show a year untill there are more in a closer area for us.
Sooooo anyway, last weekend was the CCA Valentines Day Cat Show.
Mom entered Sherman and Panda. They are beautiful cats. They were both entered in to the "Household Pets" section even though Sherman is a Turkish Angora and Panda is a Norwegian Forest Cat. The weekend was an overall sucess. Neither of them won any 1st, 2nd or 3rd's which is all right. We don't really go there to win. We go there for fun really. It always helps that they like it. Sherman is so relaxed and at peace there it's bizarre, he was literally mad at my mom on Monday and sat near his carrier that was near the door meowing. It's kind of ridiculous. haha.
Almost as ridiculous as us winning for
Best Valentines themed cage. My mom won a Royal Canin Cat Encyclopedia that is a limited addition, which she was pretty excited about. She also won a cat scarf and sterling silver cat earrings.
Lastly, here are 2 photos of ze kids with a judge:
1 comment:
God, I love that picture of Ansel. Best boy-named girl cat ever.
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