Bloggin' ain't easy, baby.
So I've decided to begin blogging again, ispiration one,
Krista. She is a great blogger, great photographer and great friend. GO KRISTA. Go check out her blog and be amazed!
Maybe it's also something about the winter months and being inspired to write or post photos, or even take photos for that matter.
Getting settled into and out of jobs in my new thing, temp jobs even. Which I'll have you know are BALLS.
While just getting settled into one job nicely leaves me dissapointed to say goodbye and say hello to a new job, a new start and a new goodbye soon to come.
I haven't taken any serious photos since leaving KTW in September, and now that I am working at Sears, taking filthy snotty kids portraits it leaves me tired of the camera, tired of doing the same thing over, over, over and over.
But it's something I should do more, and I plan to. Here's hoping.

I recently got some tattoo work done, the canary in September (ish) and the poppy in mid November. Both are memorial pieces, the canary for my BF's Jay's Gramma who recently passed away and the poppy for my Grandpa who we called Popie. I'll be getting more work in the months ahead working on getting the whole arm done, sleeve styles.
In other news:
Lookit what I did to my eye. Pretty sexy eh? We met after a long day/night of barfing my guts out after M&L's house warming party on the 1st. It was barf fest up in this bitch like no ones business. It's pretty hardcore to puke THAT much that your fucking blood vessels in your eye burst, honestly. Children are afraid of me and old people stare at me like I'm the devil, it's very good for my self esteem, HA.
(it started like this...)
(now it looks like this....)So if all else fails at least I will post a photo a day, and maybe some fun stories like this one, tales of barfing and bloody eyes for your reading pleasure. I'll have to do something REALLY cool this weekend to make up for it, we'll see what happens.
In keeping with my new idea, and hopefully sticking to it, the first official photo of the day.