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Sunday, May 06, 2007

Alcan Shoot No. 1

I'm not going to make up excuses as to why I haven't been blogging recently, there's really no excuse. Though I have been busy. School's over and I survived a hellish year of Print Journalism, I only refer to it as hellish because I endured a year of first and second year courses so that I could finish in one year instead of two. It's worth it though.
Now that I am done school, moved back to Kingston it's been awesome and crazy all at the same time but now I can get back into my love for photography which has only grown since I've returned. And now I'm working at two jobs that allow me to express that love fully, I'm back at Kingston This Week and working part time at Japan Camera with Brant which has turned out to not be all that bad.
Here are some shots that I took yesterday on our adventure with Shayne to the old ALCAN building -

This first shot is in it's original state, colour and all. I think it's fab, i took it at dusk which give the two toned red and mauve look.

This is the same as the shot above it only I was feeling a little artsy and decided to eff around with it in photoshop. As a journalist you rarely get to do things like this, I dig it.

And finally, here's a shot of Brian ghostly walking through the frame. It sort of reminds me of an old factory worker, now passed wandering around his old building. I also really enjoy this shot.

(there may be more to come from las tnights take.)