Dear Riders of the #1 Montreal Bus - 4 p.m. Friday, Aug. 18.
Woman sitting in the front "disabled/elderly" row; You are not elderly so you must be disabled. Oh what's that you are neither? Then GET THE FUCK up when 90 year old women get on the bus and have to hold on for dear life while you sit there and pretend you do not see her. You are a douche, and if I see you agin I might make you disabled so you have a reason to sit in the front row!
80 year old senile women; Please do not look at me like I am a monster because I have piercings throughout my face. I'm not the one with a floating wig. AND, why don't you get a wig that matches your thinning grey hair, your mermaid red wig looks like shit.
Fat Man sitting in front of me; TAKE A GODDAMN BATH. You smell like shit, you have the greasiest hair in Canada and you are wearing ripped clothing, not just ripped clothing but ripped clothing that looks like it is rotting on your buldging body. Do everyone a favour shower, or at least hose yourself off.
Man in the red baseball cap; When you shaved this morning you missed a spot. Just thought I'd let you know.
Woman wearing the green short-shorts; This coming from a bigger women myself I hope you will understand when I say: You shouldn't wear short shorts that are creeping up your ass, it makes you look cheap and nasty. I'm sorry. OH! and -- Your Orange tan looks bad too.
Toothless wonder; I'm just curious why you think that it is so cool that you have cigarettes in a bag that you must pull them out on the bus and show them off, why?
Love Erica, oxoxox.