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Thursday, July 13, 2006

What's on the agenda tonight?

Getting sauced, reeeeeal sauced.
Here's my get-off-your-ass-and-do-something-tonight post.
Rock Crew Anniversary. TONIGHT. BE THERE BITCHES.
Tonight should be pretty spectacular. Krista's birthday dinner, Buskers and RockCrew's anniversay party. All to be amazing I'm sure. More photos to come, lots of drunken pics I suspect. yee-haw.



Happy Birthday Lova, hope you get nice and sauced.Happy birthday Krista, welcome to the age that well, isn't that much different then the one you've left behind, just now you have a little bit more experience and know which bars to go to and which to stay away from.
Tonight shall be full of jokes and fun times.
Yay birthdays.

<3 eric

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

There's a lot going on, too much going on.

I love my job and am really not looking foward to the end of August when my stint is over but I may just have something else lined up and ready to go.
I don't really want to say forsure until I get things all worked out and whatnot, it'd be nice to do both jobs really and hope that I will get that chance.
I feel like a retard for having this annoying all "top-secret" blog post I just don't want to make a big deal over it and then it fall through. I hope everything works, although both jobs will keep me away from Brant while he's away at school for his last year and I think that that's what is eating me up about it, but I've gotta get my rid of my pussy and get some balls. [No not literally.]

I guess there's nothing else really exciting that is happening, OH WAIT.
ROCK CREW is having their 4 year anniversary party TOMORROW NIGHT @ The Elixir, you'd better all be there bitches. It's gonna be hella cool, The Golden Dogs, Pelt and many more. $8 in advance and $10 at the door.
Now I'm off to the Busker's kick off party, free food, free booze. I'm wicked like that. holla.


Sunday, July 02, 2006

Okay so I lied.

Happy Belated Canada Day and All That Jazz.

Here are some shots that I took on Canada Day of the fireworks and City Hall, I'm pretty proud of them, no tripod used on an 8 second exposure! Holla.

Crazy shots of Brant and I.

Phil got a Girlfriend.

More shots to come later including Toronto trip on Friday to see Dallas, Nik and Joe and other random newspaper shots, I just thought that I should update cause I haven't in like 10 years, cause I suck. <3 eric